Page 6 - MyFaithMag FEB 2018
P. 6


                        IT’S A NEW YEAR

                             André & Jenny Roebert

             Let’s dig       It is already the second month of a brand-new year, but allow me, for a moment, to take
             into the        stock and talk about what still lies ahead. Just in case you were expecting me to write
             treasure        about a long list of New Year’s resolutions we should all probably consider trying and
                             sticking to, let me put you at ease, I’m not going to. I do however want to share what I
             of God’s        would love to see happen in my life this year:  In 2018, I want us to really live this journey
             Word to         of life just as Christ has purposed us to live it!  Nothing less, by any means!  But for this
             discover        to become our reality, we should be very sure of what life He has in mind for us.  Let’s dig
          and renew          into the treasure of God’s Word to discover and renew our minds to what His purpose is
                             concerning us, so that we can confidently stand on His truth to attain it!
           our minds
                             I am so grateful for the Word.  Beside it being the ultimate truth, the life and peace that flows from
                             it each time we choose to make it our own and believe it as God’s final authority concerning us,
                             is invaluable.  Countless times, the Word has been all I have had to hold onto, my only hope in so
                             many of life’s unpredictable twists and turns.  God’s promises to us are indispensable, they are
                             His perfect will for us along this ever-changing journey we travel in this fallen world.  To not know
                             our covenant promises is to live without real hope; causing us to be helplessly tossed from once
                             circumstance to the next, subject to whatever they dictate and limit us to.

                             Now that’s not living!  And it’s certainly not what Jesus paid the price of His very Own life for either.
                             No, in John 10:10, He said, “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that
                             they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).”  That doesn’t
                             just mean life in heaven, when we leave the earth.  Nor does it refer to only spiritual well-being.
                             The abundant life Jesus provided for us to live in Includes provision, peace and joy in every area
                             of our lives, be it spiritual, mental or physical. Jesus declared, “I am [Myself] the Resurrection
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